What is Critical Illness?

Critical illness cover is a type of insurance that provides financial protection in the event you are diagnosed with a specified critical illness or medical condition. If you are diagnosed with a covered illness, such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, or organ failure, a critical illness policy will typically pay out a lump sum benefit to you, regardless of whether you are able to work or not.


Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage


Critical illness cover and what it generally covers

1. **Covered Illnesses:**

Critical illness cover typically includes a range of serious medical conditions that are specified in the insurance policy. These conditions may vary between insurance providers but often include cancer, heart attacks, strokes, organ transplants, and other severe illnesses.

2. **Lump Sum Payout:**

If you are diagnosed with a covered critical illness that meets the policy’s definition, the insurance company will pay out a lump sum benefit to you. This lump sum can be used to cover medical expenses, household bills, debts, or any other financial obligations you may have.

3. **Financial Protection:**

Critical illness cover is designed to provide financial protection during a challenging time when you may be unable to work and earning an income. The lump sum payout can help you and your family manage expenses and maintain financial stability during your recovery period.

4. **Waiting Period:**

Most critical illness policies have a waiting period after diagnosis before the benefit is paid out. This waiting period may be specified in the policy terms and conditions, so it is important to review and understand this aspect of the coverage.

5. **Exclusions:**

Like any insurance policy, critical illness cover may have exclusions or limitations. It is crucial to review the policy details carefully to understand what is covered and what conditions are excluded from the coverage.

6. **Added Benefits:**

Some critical illness policies come with additional features or benefits, such as partial payments for less severe conditions, coverage for children, premium waiver in case of a claim, or additional medical support services.

7. **Cost:** 

The cost of critical illness cover can vary depending on factors such as your age, health status, coverage amount, and specific provider. It is essential to evaluate your needs and budget to determine the appropriate level of coverage.

In summary, critical illness cover offers financial protection in the event you are diagnosed with a serious medical condition. It can provide peace of mind knowing that you have a financial safety net to help you and your family during a challenging time. Consider speaking with a financial advisor or insurance professional to evaluate your insurance needs and explore critical illness cover options that may be suitable for you.